My 15 Favorite Movies

It was too hard to choose 10 favorite movies so I just made it 15. I mostly chose movies that I can watch repeatedly and not get sick of.

1. Before (trilogy) - Each film stands on it's own but I consider it one monumental film piece.

2. The Room (2003) - My favorite movie of all time! The "Citizen Kane" of bad movies but unlike most awful movies, it's also extremely enjoyable to watch. You can't make a movie this bad if you tried. Brilliantly stupid and endlessly entertaining. Favorite moment: the infamous flower shop scene and the line, "I cannot tell you, it's confidential. No, I can't. Anyway how's your sex life?"

3. Harold & Maude (1971) - This was an easy choice. It's not for everybody but that's what I like about it. It's a brilliant movie about living life to the fullest. Favorite moment: The entire scene with "Sunshine Doré". I love how she accidentally slips and the scene was left in the film or when she stabs herself after Harold commits seppuku. And then how his mom drops her drink and the film segues to a carnival with clown's laughter. Hilarious!

4. Beverly Hills Cop (1984) - The plot is really thin but it doesn't matter because this movie is all about the interactions between the characters. It's my favorite snapshot of the 80's. Favorite moment: Serge saying, "Don't be stupid".

5. Eternal Sunshine For the Spotless Mind (2004) - The best romantic comedy ever made. The movie is superb on so many levels. It's a sci-fi story, it's a romance and it's also really funny and poignant. What makes it really work is that gives a very true analysis of what falling in love is like. It doesn't pretend that love is easy like most romances do, instead it points out the difficulties and compromises that it takes to make a relationship last.

6. Somewhere in Time (1980) - My favorite romance film ever made. People either love this movie or hate it. I usually don't like people who hate it. The movie is ultimately a fantasy but the story draws you in so deeply that it seems believable. It's about romance but it's also about obsession and I think the film's ending is open to some interpretation. Favorite moment: Elise running to Richard and screaming his name ecstatically.

7. Boogie Nights (1997) - The movie is more than just sex and porn. It's a masterpiece in filmmaking. No other movie captures the "American Dream" like this. An instant classic. Favorite moment: The drug deal at Rahad Jackson's house with "Sister Christian" playing in the background.

8. Days of Heaven (1978) - The most beautiful looking movie ever made. Because there's so little dialogue in the film it has this haunting, dreamlike quality to it. The focus is more on breathtaking landscapes and facial expressions instead of words. I like how it shows the consequences of lies and how happiness can't always last forever. Favorite moment: When Bill tells Abby, "I never wanted to fall in love with you" and she replies, "Nobody asked you to." Or the scene where The Farmer is telling Abby, "I always thought that being alone was just something that a man had to put up with." Very special movie to me.

9. The Others (2001) - Completely transcends the horror genre. Instead of using blood and violence the film relies on an unsettling atmosphere to create horror. Favorite moment: the scene where the little girl looks like an old witch and says, "I am your daughter!" That still gives me chills every time I see it.

10. Paper Moon (1973) - One of the few movies I'd say is perfect. It's so well made that you forget that this is from the 70's and not from the black-and-white era of movies.

11. The Usual Suspects (1995) - The best heist movie ever made. Everybody in this movie is brilliant.

12. Blade Runner (1982) - The best sci-fi movie ever made. To me the best movies are the ones that stick in your head for days after you watch it.

13. Beetlejuice (1987) - Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice is one of the greatest film characters of all time.

14. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) - I love Audrey Hepburn and this film really captures her grace and beauty. I really love the end scene. It's the epitome of Hollywood romance.

15. Blow Out (1981) - I always forget how outstanding this film is. I like how De Palma uses misdirection so that you think that you're watching a movie about a governor being assassinated and then, like a magician, he makes you realize that movie is about something completely different.

16. Punch-Drunk Love (2002) - The movie that finally proved that Adam Sandler could act in a good film.

17. Grandma's Boy
