Greek Style Yogurt

Greek yogurt is just yogurt that has been strained to remove the whey, which is the part of yogurt that I find to be icky. Making this yourself is much cheaper than buying overpriced, pre-strained yogurt. Plus strained yogurt is extremely versatile and healthy. I can't eat any other kind of yogurt.

1 qt. plain yogurt (preferably organic)
cheese cloth (about 1 1/2 feet with 2 or 3 folded layers)

Place a sieve or small colander over a deep bowl and line it cheese cloth. Plop in the yogurt and fold the cloth over the yogurt. Place a small plate on top and weigh it down with a small can. Let the yogurt strain 8 hours or overnight.

If you like it sweeter, mix in a little sugar, honey, agave or maple syrup.
If you want vanilla yogurt splash a little vanilla extract in.
If you like frozen yogurt, add sugar and vanilla then spin/chill in an ice cream maker with some frozen berries.
